Friday, December 7, 2012

Recipe for a Successful Paperly Consultant

My daughter and I recently finished a book titled "Stir It Up!" by Ramin Ganeshram, published by Scholastic Press.  (Yes, my 11 year old, 6th grade daughter still lets me read to her and I love it!  Aren't I the luckiest dad around?)  Briefly, the story is about a teenager whose dream is to become a chef.  Ingeniously, the author sprinkles throughout the book life lessons disguised as recipes. I've taken the liberty of including one below, called "Recipe for Ambition", which I thought could easily be re-titled, "What Makes for a Successful Paperly Consultant". (Hopefully I won't get in any trouble for photocopying a page of the book ;)

To me, the author perfectly outlines the key ingredients to success: desire, hope, moxie and well-laid plans.  I believe all 4 need to be in the mix for success to occur.  However, the 1 ingredient most often missed is moxie, which is described as energy, courage and determination.  It's not easy being a Paperly entrepreneur. You have to absorb some "no" before you get to "yes". But if you exhibit energy, courage and determination - otherwise known as moxie - I'm convinced you can be wildly successful running your Paperly business.

After reading the recipe below, I'd love to hear your ideas as to what you believe is necessary to be successful in whatever you choose as your profession. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

- Jay Rudman, CEO/Co-Founder, Paperly